Diàlegs amb el misteri


This exhibition was celebrated in October-November 2018, at the centenary of the birth of Raimon Panikkar at the anti-air refuge of Girona.The group of artists "Cercle de Conversa" performs an installation sharing a dialogue space bringing together fragments of the work of Raimon Panikkar, talking plastically about Art and Spirituality, with the works of each artist.
Ed. / Cercle de Conversa/ 500 copies.
Text / Cercle de conversa.
Photography / Sergi Batlle.
Design / Roser Arimany.
Space / the anti-air refuge of Girona
Participating artist / Fèlix Atmetlla, Pep Aymerich, Jordi Esteban, Jordi Isern, Jordi Martoranno, Maria Mercader, David Sanchez, Oriol Texidor, Carles Torrent-Pagès.

PAINTING I epiphanies, structures, tracks I


This catalogue Edition is a selection of work that have been edited especially for the exhibit PAINTING.
This was celebrated in the main auditorium of Casa de Cultura Girona in February 2015.
30 x 21 cm. Folded, 60 x 83 cm. Unfolded / 16 pages. Ed.700.
Ed. Town council of Girona / office of distribution 2015.
Design/ Xavi Roqueta & Jordi Martoranno
Text / Joseph Brodsky & Jordi Martoranno
Print / Palahí AG
Legal Deposit / GI 103-2015
Copyright / from text and photos made by the author


This exposition was celebrated in October 2015, at the parliament of Religions, Girona. At the Old Church Saint Domènech.
19 x 23 cm. / 10 pages
Ed. Cercle de Conversa/ 80 copies
Texts / Cercle de conversa & Andrei Tarkovsky-- Photography / Sergi Batallé & Luís Camargo
Participating artist / Fèlix Atmetlla, Pep Aymerich, Jordi Esteban, Jordi Isern, Jordi Martoranno, Maria Mercader, Oriol Teixidor, Carles Torrent-Pagès

Jordi Isern I Jordi Matoranno I



This project was a collaboration with Jordi Isern and commissioned by Bernard Salques, from the association of preservation of Patrimony and Director of the museums of Beziers, France.
21 x 21 cm. of 95 pages.
Design / Ferran Giménez
Ed. 1000 print Combes Hund-Béziers
Texts / Bernard Salques, and Poetry of Fuentsanta Moreno - Photo credits / Jordi Martoranno
Legal trust Mars 2014
ISBN 978-2-915444-3-5 




This was the winning project of the ninth competition of the “travelling expositions”, organized by the City Council of Girona.
Stemming from the contemporary authors such as Richard Tarnas and Kevin Wilber, the work reflects on the relationship between a person and the cosmos, therefore the interactions that derive from this.
At the same time it investigates the depths of the evolution of different states of human consciousness that humanity has acquired over history.
24 x 16 cm. 8 pages.
Ed. 5oo, Edit: Diputació de Girona / office of distribution 2012
Design / Xavi Roqueta & Maria Palahí
Photograph credits / Rafael Bosch
Print / Arts gràfiques Cantalozella,
Legal Deposit




This catalogue was edited especially for the celebration of the Foundation Valvi of Girona 2008.
The exposition revealed the four elements of nature by making a small invasion on the ancestral symbolism of different cultures and civilizations.
The work spaces of habitat which have left tracks. Many of the tracks are revelating as well as disturbing, while others remain unresolved.
30 x 15 cm.7 pages.
Edit / Valvi Foundation. Ed.1.000 
Design / Jaume Geli
Photography / Jordi Mas & Georgina Trill
Print / Palahí AG S.L.
Legal Deposit / GI-348-08

 Jordi Martoranno /ceramics /



The exhibition and work was assigned by the Girona City Hall within the cycle “ceramics of the artist”, that was then displayed in the antique chapel of Saint Nicholas of Girona.
The work intends to transmit the spirit of salvaged rituals and ancestral forms via earthly and archetypal forms.
15 x 15 cm. folded: 15 x 90 cm. no folded, of 6 page. Sold out
Ed. City hall of Girona
Text / Roger Costa-Pau
Photography / Jordi Martoranno
Print / Gràfiques Alzamora, S.A.
Organization / Centre Cultural la Mercè and City Hall of Girona

Look at the air, Touch the air / Jordi Cuyas I Jordi Martoranno



The catalogue was edited for the exhibition of both Jordi Cuyas and Jordi Martoranno.
It makes reference to objects or artefacts with few definitions.
While displaying an antiseptic character surrounded by dense air and intangibility, this work longs to be deciphered
21 X 21 cm. sold out
Edition / Fundació Espais
Text / Magdala Perpinyà & Teresa Grandas Photography / Eusebi Escarpenter & Jordi Martoranno
Print / Gràfiques Alzamora
Legal Deposit / G194-1987
With the cooperation of the Generalitat of Catalunya / Department of Culture /




This catalogue was edited in February 1995, during the celebration of the auditorium in Girona City Hall.
This work makes reference to the anthropomorphization of painting; treating it like a patient, while gifting it with organs and other clinical aspects in order to make it “human”.
The principle question of this work centralizes in asking oneself about the “physical state” of the painting and then declaring its demise.
30 x 21 cm. / 15 pages. Sold out
Edition. City Hall of Girona
Design/ Joan Casanovas
Photography / Claudi Valentí.
Text / Lucas San miguel.
Print / Curbet i Marqués.
Legal Deposit / GI. 58 / 95